Responding to the seminary almanac, three days were set for a special seminar based on the “APOSTOLATE TO THE YOUTH.” The seminar commenced on 13th February with an opening prayer and a great introduction from the Vice Rector. He explained that the seminar was meant to be a moment of acquiring new knowledge and a moment of refreshing after a long week which contained the semester examinations.

Rev. Fr. Felix Francis Wagi, a Salesian of Don Bosco living and working as the headmaster at St. John Bosco Secondary School in Didia Shinyanga Catholic Diocese, was the facilitator. He gave an introductory session full of ‘ice breaking’ games and dances catching room’s attention. This was his first lesson on how to move and catch the youths’ attention. There were three sessions in a day; the first two sessions were an hour and a half, and the last afternoon session was for an hour.

In line with the theme, the term “Youth” was defined as the transition period between childhood and adulthood characterized by the qualities of vigor, activeness and freshness. The facilitator explained that being a youth implies to both age and mentality. According to the Tanzanian constitution a youth is a person between the age of 15 to 35.

The facilitator gave important hints when dealing with a number of youths gathered for a seminar or lesson. He gave 6 important start-ups which are: Identifying the age and the demanding need of the group, create a suitable timetable, grouping the youths for discussions, games and sharing insights, selection of leaders of the groups, introducing the guiding principles and lastly prepare enough games and songs.

Considering numerous problems among the youth, the facilitator spoke of the “identity crisis” among the contemporary youth as a major problem. This being the case, self-identification was put for discussion. Instigating the matter, the facilitator brought up the questions; WHO AM I? and WHAT GENDER AM I? He said these are important questions among the youths today. Responding to the matter, it was said that most of the youth today do not adhere to the definition of the youth stated above, and more even as “the image and the likeness of God” as per Gen 1:27. This results to many social challenges such as laziness, indiscipline, alcoholism, abuse of drugs, sins against chastity and many other related problems.

In order to help the youth in their course of life, the facilitator suggested the story of The Road to Emmaus Lk 24:31-35. In this story, the facilitator spoke of necessity of ‘the act of accompaniment’, as Jesus first accompanied the disciples. He heeded to what they had in mind and what was their viewpoint regarding his persecution, death, and resurrection. We too must welcome the youths, listen to them aiming at knowing their perspectives and giving them a conducive atmosphere for their eyes to be opened by the Church. This is our obligation as future pastors.

Coupled with the above-mentioned challenge, other challenges were identified such as; lack of opportunity for both learning and practicing what they learn. Another challenge is that most of the youths are vagabonds hence lack proper grounds for spiritual and moral orientation. A more serious problem is that most of the contemporary youths are confused by globalization, ‘copy and paste’ lifestyle, contradictions arising from the lack of proper grounds of faith and the ways of life which is sometimes against faith for example superstitions and many other.

Reacting to the challenges a deep reflection was made pertaining to the natural family, the role of the youth in the society and the role of the youth in the Church. He insisted on the necessity of prayer and reflecting on the word of God through Lectio Divina, educative films and special programs like seminars and bonanzas. He pointed on the vitality of sports and games in washing away inclinations and cravings towards theft, robbery, smoking, alcoholism, prostitution, drug addiction and many other. Showing the paramount importance of sports and games, the facilitator dedicated one full session for outdoor games. Several games were taught and we all participated, simple but very enjoyable games.

The seminar came to its conclusion on 15th February 2023 where the moderator on behalf of the seminarians, gave a word of appreciations to God, then to Fr. Wagi for all his training throughout the seminar. The Vice rector, Rev. Fr. Philip Ntulama, on behalf of the Rector gave the final statement, thanking all for their participation and anticipating productivity from the techniques and the teachings obtained from the seminar. The summit was the prayer and blessing from the Vice rector at 12:43 PM.

Reported by Frt. Francisco N. Kishumba