On the 6th of October 2023, the official event which marked the dawning of the new academic and formation year was conducted at St. Paul’s Senior Seminary-Kipalapala. This event came after a five-days annual canonical retreat of the seminarians which was facilitated by Rev. Fr. Novatus Safari of the Archdiocese of Tabora. The inauguration of the academic year 2023-2024 came after this spiritual journey which fuelled up the seminarians spiritually to undergo well all that is planned for the year 2023-2024.

The Holy Mass was presided over by Rev. Fr. Herman Kachema, the rector of the seminary with the communal intention of dedicating the new academic year to the Lord. At the end of the Holy Mass, the rector ended by inviting “Come one, come all”.  At 10.00 AM the Mihayo Hall was full of seminarians ready to listen to the different speeches from the formators who represent several departments and what was prepared to be shared as official information in the new academic year.

The seminary’s academic committee hosted the event and had Frt. Juvenalis Mwendapole from the Archdiocese of Arusha as the master of the ceremony. After giving the general introduction of the day, the M.C welcomed the General Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. Theodatus Maramba who led an opening prayer. Then he welcomed the rector for his speech. As the rector and lecturer, Rev. Fr. Herman Kachema welcomed everyone in this academic year, in a nutshell he said that every time is unique, it may seem like other years but this year is unique in its own way. He went on saying that whatever is worthy doing should be worthy done. He urged everyone to invest all energy and time in the formation. He welcomed the first-year seminarians and welcomed everyone to start preparing for the centenary anniversary (2025) with regard to Special prayer, songs, articles and whatever will make the day colourful.

After his word and announcements, the rector introduced the teaching staff with their roles. He then mentioned the non-teaching staff which is made up of the sisters (5 from the Sisters of our Lady of Kilimanjaro CDNK and 1 from the Sisters of the Daughters of Mary of Tabora CDMT) and other workers (about 40) whom we meet in different walks of life in the seminary.

Speeches were given, very rich in encouragement, inspiration and advice from the formators as per the decree on the priestly formation are competent educators chosen from among the best (O.T no 5). Insistence was put on self-formation while assisted by the formators, cultivation of the culture of silence, reinvigoration of culture of reading books to enrich awareness and befriending ourselves with the library. Also, insistence on proper usage of time and setting of the personal program was emphasized. We were also reminded that the learning system at the seminary is a student-based system which invites the students to put more efforts in learning and researching.

On behalf of the seminarians, the senior seminarian gave a speech thanking the formations and promising cooperation. The final prayer was led by Rev. Fr. Athanasius Mutasingwa preceded by the song “Bind us together Lord” which marked the end of the official gathering at 12:30 P.M.

Prepared by Frt. Francisco Ngirwamungu Kishumba